Thursday, August 25, 2005

More Stupid Remarks by Someone Who Should Know Better

It is comforting to see that even though all the rhetoric about women in science has died down, there is still legitimate research being conducted that continues to refute the remarks made by the still-in office President of Harvard. Apparently, there is still nothing g to support his claim that women have a lower aptitude for science and math.

This week, I must admit that Sommers' remarks paled in comparison to some made in the past by televangelist Pat Robertson. I missed them first time around, but have heard them repeated recently in reports about his call for the assassination of the president of Venezuela. Apparently, in a previous diatribe against feminism, Robertson claimed that it turns women against their husbands, makes them kill their children and indulge in witchcraft. Suddenly, I feel transported back to colonial Salem. Will he be suggesting burnings and drownings next?

While we are worried about Islamic fundamentalism denying the rights of women and using religion to subjugate half of the population around the world, we apparently have our own home grown extremist also using the shield of religion to spout his hateful views. I find the fact that this man still has a pulpit to preach from and followers who hang on his words even more frightening than the rise of religious fundamentalism in other countries. Especially given his constant penchant for running for office.

Here in the US, we are supposed to know better. Our whole reason for being a nation was because of religion being used for political purposes. Here in the US, we are supposed to know better than to give power to any religious fanatic. And yet, here we are, subjected to the very public rantings of someone who, quite clearly has left the realm of sanity a long time ago. Sure he has the right to free speech, but what is wrong with the people who continue to support his televised soapbox?

To use a sort-of religious cliché, it scares the bejesus out of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First thing Thursday, 8/25
That's Daily News sports columnist Tom Hoffarth in the photo, taking a parachute jump with an instructor at Lake Perris.
Nice blog! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a guinea pig disease site. It pretty much covers guinea pig disease related stuff.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how Pat Robertson uses religion to promote an ideology of hate and the encourage the assassination of a leader that he disagrees with. Isn't one of the 10 Commandments "Thou shalt not kill?" Apparently, Mr. Robertson would have his followers believe that Commandment is only relative-it only applies to people he agrees with and those who do not agree can be killed. Would he have his followers believe that it is right to kill those they do not agree with? It is appalling that Mr. Robertson is using a religious platform to propagate such hateful, violent, anti-religious views.
--Your first daughter

7:07 PM  

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